Landing a remote job is getting competitive — here's how to stand out as an applicant

If you're a typical office worker, you've gotten a taste of working from home over the last two years of the pandemic. But as some businesses return to offices, you might want to move>Clearly state your previous remote or hybrid jobs

The most important thing a hiring manager wants to see is that you've worked remotely before, says Brie Reynolds, the career services manager at FlexJobs, a membership site that connects workers with remote jobs.

If you've held a job that was fully remote or hybrid, make that designation easy to see for a recruiter scanning your resume, Reynolds says, like by including it as a parenthetical in the same line as your job title.

Prioritize your remote-work experience with each role

Within each section of your work history, prioritize bullet points that show how you've successfully worked with teammates or managers while remote. Mirror your experiences to what the job description is asking for, and give top billing to skills or tasks that are stated as required or preferred.

Since so many workers have worked remotely during the pandemic, you'll want to stand out by showing how you've gone above and beyond while making the transition. For example, did you hire new team members and>Show that you're manageable from a distance

Hiring managers want to know that you have the technical and soft skills to be an effective remote worker, Reynolds says. Note if you have experience working with any of the tech platforms mentioned in the job description, like videoconferencing systems or collaboration tools.

Supervisors also want to make sure you have solid communication skills that are compatible with how they run operations, Reynolds adds, so be clear about how you successfully communicate and manage while remote.

If the job you're applying for calls for it, highlight previous tasks or projects where you worked well independently and collaborated seamlessly>Tailor your LinkedIn profile, too

Recruiters are on a hiring spree to fill remote jobs, so make sure your LinkedIn is also up-to-date for your remote-work job search. If you're open about your job search on the platform, you can add that you're specifically looking for remote opportunities in your page headline.

Additionally, if you completed your degree online, took remote classes or got certified for a skill through e-learning, make sure that's noted on your LinkedIn page, too.