I've written about money and careers for 8 years—here are my 6 biggest takeaways

When I started writing about money and careers, I was a recent college grad with a tenuous grasp>If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Very few things in life are given away freely. If you come across something that promises money, fame or some other desirable thing in exchange for the bare minimum, be wary. That could be a business opportunity an acquaintance is hyping, a service that promises to help pay off your debt or a new investment that will double your money.

These types of scams work because they often take advantage of people in vulnerable situations, or promise to aid us at our lowest point. But there's no such thing as "easy" money or paying back less than you owe. Chances are, that "quick fix" will put you in a worse position than where you started. 

Ask for what you want

It'd be great if employers would grant us more money, a better title or the exact responsibilities we crave just because they are impressed our work. But the world doesn't work like that for most people; you have to ask for what you want.

Some people are naturally good at this, but this lesson took me years to really put into action, and I'm still learning. Each time I muster up the courage to ask for what I want — whether that's more money, different terms>Start saving

Not to sound like your mom or dad, but please start saving and investing as early as you can. This can be tough, especially when you're just starting out and stretched thin. But every dollar put away is peace of mind for a later date.

This is an area where I'm always aiming to improve: Although I've had automatic 401(k) contributions set up for eight years, I still struggle to save outside of my investment accounts. There's always something to buy, people to see, a new restaurant to try. But even a little bit goes a long way over time.

Start today: Set aside a few dollars in a sinking fund or increase your retirement contribution. It might not seem remarkable now, but you'll thank yourself in the future.

To get started, many financial advisors recommend a Roth IRA for younger workers investing for retirement. But, really, savings in any account is better than nothing.

Make time for yourself

I began my career in business journalism deep in hustle culture: Working hard, all of the time, was held up as the ideal, even as a moral imperative. If you weren't bragging about how busy you always were and how little sleep you got, you were doing something wrong.

Things have changed a bit in the past few years, and the Covid-19 pandemic, especially, has blown open how hollow much of the productivity rhetoric in the U.S. is. Now, we're having a larger conversation about burnout and what we owe employers and ourselves.

Still, hustle culture is far from dead — and when you have to work two jobs just to pay rent, it may never be gone completely. It is often a privilege to opt out. But I've come to value taking the time to do what makes me actually feel good over logging more hours>Cynicism>Stick with the people who believe in you

When I was younger, I used to scoff at advice from my dad to focus on relationship-building and networking. Surely I wouldn't need to suck up to people, I thought. My work would speak for itself.

Young me was, frankly, an idiot. I'm not saying you need to befriend everyone you cross paths with — but if you're lucky, you'll find people in your career who believe in you, your work and your potential. It's rare, so hold on to those people if you can.

You'll not only help each other progress, but you'll have more fun and find more meaning in your work.