If you say any of these things during the job interview, don't expect to get an offer: career expert

Each and every little thing you say (yes, even just>1. 'I'm a motivated self-starter.'

I've heard so many candidates say this in response to questions about their professional strengths or notable characteristics.

It's a wildly overused answer, and if you find yourself saying it, the best case scenario is that your interviewer will ask you to elaborate. Worst case (and likely) scenario? They'll be unimpressed because they've heard it so many times, and move>2. 'In five years, I hope to be in your position.'

Don't think that your potential boss will be flattered by this answer; they'll just find it lazy and thoughtless.

And even if they are at an impressive level in their career, they might assume that you envision being where they are — just at a different company. This indicates a lack of commitment.

Instead, outline potential ways you see yourself growing at the organization. Start with the position you're interviewing for and highlight some key skills required for the job, and how you can build upon those skills.

This shows that not only do you care about your career advancement, but that you'll also be dedicated to helping the company grow in the long-term.