‘Do you see a number?’ Optical illusion stumps Twitter users

TORONTO — Another optical illusion is making the rounds on Twitter, puzzling users on the platform.

Twitter user @benonwine posted this image on Wednesday showing a number faintly embedded within a spiral pattern.

"DO you see a number? If so, what number?" benowine asked on the platform.

DO you see a number?

If so, what number? pic.twitter.com/wUK0HBXQZF

xjmtzyw Benonwine (@benonwine) February 16, 2022

Over 8,000 Twitter users replied and quote-tweeted with their guesses. The most common guesses included "4528" and "45283," as many users reported that they could only see the middle digits of the number. Some could only spot "528" while others guessed "15823," mistaking the "4" for a "1."

"Can’t make out (the) extreme left or extreme right," one user said on Twitter.

The correct answer is "3452839" with a total of seven digits Some users reported that seeing the image in a small thumbnail or blurring the image makes the whole number easier to see.

It’s not the first time an optical illusion has taken the world by storm. Back in 2015, a photo of a dress became widely shared online as social media users argued over whether the dress was white and gold or black and blue.

I think it’s 3452839 but the first and last digit is quite hard to see

— Ricky Dawn (@Ricky_Dawn) February 18, 2022

If I drag down the notifications bar (Android) it blurs the screen and the numbers become clear. pic.twitter.com/Y0Lvurzj6L

— Charles Hamilton (@cjth) February 18, 2022

3452839 pic.twitter.com/FeF6SX2rJF

— István Kuti (@istvankuti) February 18, 2022