This chart shows the 6 stages of career growth. Where are you now?

Different people are destined to different career paths. But ideally, over time, you will take>The 6 stages of career growth

While not all career paths are the same, there a master plan that governs just about any journey — and that plan is defined by six stages:

Gary Burnison, CEO of Korn Ferry | CNBC Make It

1. Follower

Typically, this is associated with your first job or internship out of college. As a follower, you are action-oriented and task-focused as you carry out what others tell you to do. You will never lead if you don't know how to follow someone!

2. Collaborator

Soon, you'll begin to work closely with others. You're still operating from your technical skill set, but you will develop valuable people skills through collaboration with peers>A pathway of possibilities

This journey isn't exactly a ladder, one job to the next. Rather, you'll travel through various stages of development, spending more time in some than others.

You may have one or two jobs in one stage, for example, and several jobs in another. You may traverse all six stages, or stop at some intermediate point. It's up to you.

But understanding these stages of growth can help you keep track of where you've been, where you are, where you're going, and where you ultimately want to end up.