Researchers behind Stanford's most popular MBA class say the best relationships have these 6 traits

The ability to create strong relationships is crucial to living a full life and becoming more effective at work.

Having taught Stanford Graduate School of Business' most popular course, Interpersonal Dynamics, we've spent decades coaching MBA students and leaders how to take relationships — both personal and professional — from shallow or dysfunctional to robust and exceptional.

Relationships exist>1. Both of you have dropped the need to 'spin your image'

Editing and spinning who you are not>2. Both of you are willing to be vulnerable

A common concern people have about vulnerability, particularly when it involves revealing things that might appear as defects, is that others will see them as weak. But it actually takes fortitude and internal strength to self-disclose.

Leaders, especially, are often afraid to reveal personal information that defies the perception that they have everything together. What if it makes people respect them less?

Sure, if the disclosure casts doubt>3. You trust that self-disclosures will not be used against you

As trust grows in a relationship, each person becomes increasingly willing to take risks about what they disclose, becoming even more vulnerable.

But how do you know what's safe to share? We recommend a simple exercise called the "15% Rule."

Consider three main concentric rings that represent decreasing safety as you move out from the center.

The 15% RuleCarole Robin & David Bradford | CNBC Make It

The small ring in the middle is the Zone of Comfort, and it refers to what you say that you don't think twice about, and with which you feel completely safe. The outermost ring is the Zone of Danger — things you wouldn't consider sharing given the high likelihood that the outcome will be negative.

The ring between "Comfort" and "Danger" is the Zone of Learning, where you're unsure about how the other person will respond. If you're hesitant about venturing into "Learning" at the risk of ending up in "Danger," test the waters by stretching into the Zone of Learning by 15%.

This way, you're less likely to regret what you share (or the other person can more easily recover if things go sideways). You can also wait to see what they do with your disclosure.

Once you've both had good outcomes after stepping 15% outside your comfort zones, you can experiment with going beyond that.

4. You can be honest with each other

A big part of this involves giving and accepting feedback, which is a struggle for many.

Here's what people who are successful at it do:

  • They share their feelings, especially vulnerable emotions like hurt, rejection and sadness.
  • They are specific. Giving feedback in too-general terms makes it easy for the other person to miss the point.
  • They don't downplay feedback out of a want or a need to please others.
  • They aren't afraid to be wrong.
  • They aren't concerned that the other person will retaliate or give them feedback in return.

When two people care for each other and their intent is to convey that, feedback is a gift.

5. You deal with conflict productively

Conflict can surface issues in a very direct way and bring out emotions. To do it productively, you must avoid the common traps:

  • Rushing to judgement: Complex problems often involve issues that each person feels strongly about. Ensure that your conversation is aimed at solving the problem in a way that satisfies all parties.
  • Either/or thinking: It may be tempting to say, "We either do this or that." But if you take the time do a brainstorming session, you'll find that there is always more than>6. Both of you are committed to each other's growth and development

    A learning mindset isn't limited to new skills and competencies — it also requires a willingness to look within.

    To develop a learning mindset, you must:

    • Let go of the idea that your way of doing things is always best.
    • Try new things, even if it might mean making mistakes.
    • See mistakes as learning opportunities, rather than something to be embarrassed about or hide from.

    Curiosity is also essential. Thinking, for example, is much more productive than blaming the other person when something goes awry.

    Having a learning mindset is a wonderful way to live; it means you're constantly improving yourself and reconsidering behaviors that aren't serving you well.